It’s Never Too Late! {Tools for ‘Getting Stuff Done’}

 I know this is the “digital age”, but in order for me to accomplish anything in life it basically has to be written down on paper. This applies to daily ‘to dos’, long-term goals, financial budgets, grocery shopping, even health-related things. I r…


I know this is the “digital age”, but in order for me to accomplish anything in life it basically has to be written down on paper. This applies to daily ‘to dos’, long-term goals, financial budgets, grocery shopping, even health-related things. I read a quote a few months ago that went something like this, “The biggest lie I tell myself is ‘I don’t need to write that down, I’ll remember it.’” I laughed so hard when I read it.  Why?  Because it is SO TRUE! If you’re sitting there thinking, “That is so me!” then keep reading. Here are some of my favorite tools for getting stuff done!


**This post contains some affiliate links, which means that if you click on select product links and make a purchase, I’ll receive discounts or other compensation. All opinions included in this post are my own. 





·      Why I love it: These worksheets designed by Lara Casey, lay out questions and steps that help you set goals that actually matter.  I really appreciate that the questions at the beginning really make you think about how you spend your time, and how you can make the important things happen. Every three months you re-evaluate your yearly goals to see if you need/want to make any modifications moving forward. Each month it asks you to flesh out what went right and what went wrong the previous month. Then there is one page for each month that allows you to list out your goals, broken down into monthly, weekly, and daily goals (with each goal having it’s own oh-so-satisfying box to check off!).  I leave this page open wherever I’m working so that I remember what my real priorities are.  {Stay tuned for a post detailing all my goals soon!!}





·      Why I love it:  Just as the name implies, this planner is simple (in the very best way possible). Emily Ley makes a weekly and a daily planner. I chose the daily planner (go to her site to see a comparison of daily vs. weekly). There aren’t a bunch of “extras” in this planner that you’ll never use. Each month contains a monthly calendar page to record appointments and whatnot. Each weekday has it’s own page (weekend days are a half-page each).  The daily pages are laid out with an hourly schedule section, a ‘to do’ list section, a box for dinner plans, and a box for ‘notes.’ This is all I need (and honestly all I would use even if it had more sections).  I love that the layout allows me a lot of flexibility to use the planner in a way that works for MY life.  I don’t use the hourly schedule section everyday, and so I often utilize that section to write random reminders, blog post ideas, etc. Basically this planner has everything I need without bogging me down with things I don’t need. 





·      Why I love it: I don’t know about you, but I’ve definitely been guilty of telling someone I’d pray for them and then totally forgetting. #fail Val Marie Paper’s prayer journals help me to solve that problem, allowing you to write out new prayers each month. Each month is divided into sections including: ‘Our Nation & Leaders’, ‘My Loves’ (significant other, children, etc), ‘My Family’, ‘Sweet Friends’, etc. There are also blank sections to add prayers that don’t fit in the other categories, and space for answered prayers, scriptures, and quotes each month. The journals are beautifully laid out, and small enough to put in my purse! 





·      Why I love it:  Research has shown that people are more likely to lose weight if they write down what they eat. It’s been awhile since I’ve read into the ‘why’ of that research, but from my personal perspective it’s because writing down what you eat is so eye opening. It forces you to think about whether that bowl of chips or handful of cookies is really worth admitting to on paper.  These journals are well made from May Designs. The front pages of each journal have a place to write down fitness and nutrition goals. From there each day has it’s own page where you have space to write down what you ate for each meal (& snacks!), as well as a spot to mark off your water consumption and write in any exercise you did that day. There’s also a “notes” box at the bottom of each page. I generally use that section to keep track of my weight loss. Essentially, this little notebook has all the essentials you need to help meet your health and fitness goals AND it comes in a variety of super cool covers to catch your attention! {I’ve lost about 15 lbs. since April, and I can definitely attribute writing down what I eat to keeping me on track!}         





·      Why I love it:  Budgeting is everyone’s favorite topic, right? Ha! Confession…I haven’t used this notebook much yet. My husband is big on apps and spreadsheets for budgeting. I did use a spreadsheet for budgeting when I was single, but it’s never really worked great for us as a couple. So hopefully this month we can find some time to sit down and utilize this notebook for budget planning (and then put it somewhere where we can both easily access it as needed). I like that it has several categories for all your different expenses (e.g., home, gas/auto, insurance, debt, food, health, etc…), as well as an area to write out savings goals each month. At the front there is also a section to write different things that you know you need to budget for throughout the year. This is also a May Designs notebook, so the cover options (+ personalization on the front) are endless! 


How do you 'get stuff done'? Are you a pen and paper person or an app person?  I'd love to hear what works for you!